Discover the Recollecting Goddess series, a powerful extension of the 8th Day Collation brand. Here, we invite you on a transformative journey to embrace and express your true self. Recollecting Goddess is about remembering the innate power within and living authentically and intentionally.

Our series is designed to celebrate and empower the goddess in you, encouraging you to shine your light in a world that often asks us to dim it. Whether you're reconnecting with your inner strength or looking to express your unique identity, our products are crafted to inspire and uplift.

Stay tuned as we prepare to launch our first collection of products, including stylish trucker hats and eco-friendly cotton shopper bags, each bearing the empowering message of the Recollecting Goddess. These pieces will be available soon, offering you a way to wear your truth and celebrate your journey of self-discovery.

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey of empowerment and self-expression. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about our product launches, exclusive offers, and more.